This is the Hockey Tattler. Or perhaps I am the hockey tattler. What's a tattler? Wiki defines it as a person who likes to gossip or "telltale". That last word is more to the point - telling tales. The Tatler name was actually coined by Richard Steele and Joseph Addison in 1709; their magazine, published three times a week in London, is considered to be the precursor of English prose novels.
Jonathan Swift was a Tatler contributor, 27 years before the publication of Gullivers Travels. So, first, I doff my helmet to Messrs. Addison, Steele and Swift. And, so, let us proceed. Tattler On.
This is the beginning of a dream that started 54 years ago on double runners. Along the way, I got to know Ogie Oglethorpe (or the actor who portrayed him). I took many photographs of college hockey. I spent thousands of hours on the ice, skating and doodling around. I've coached kids and teach them the ONE secret to good skating which eludes almost all beginners. I still love to cross over backwards both ways. There is a feeling one gets gliding on ice which defies description.
Recently, a constellation of events motivated me to consider acting on the dream. I love to kibbitz hockey, any time, any place, any subject. So, why not put the words on paper (or its internet equivalent, web-logging)? With a little extra time on my hands, and in the midst of the 2010 Olympics reaching a 4 (or 30?) year fever, I decided to contribute.
Perhaps I can shed some light on the coolest game on earth. Perhaps I can help others to understand why so many people love this game. We are not alone.
Hockey Rules.
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